I'm replying your message concerning the job posted online in which you are interested in. However the position you applied for has been taken so I'm offering you another position. This is for the position of a Personal Assistant/Administrative Assistant. I own an art gallery and tend to operate at an high cost of operation and would love to cut down my expenses by employing a Personal Assistant/Administrative Assistant.
I travel a lot and get my hands occupied due to the fact that I work with various companies in and out of the country so it is imperative for me to have a worthy Personal Assistant who would monitor and keep me up to date with my activities. It's a flexible position and can be done from anywhere in the States.
Although, working with me is basically about instructions and following them. There is also a very sensitive issue on trust and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on. The only fear I may have is that I may need you to perform an assigned task in a timely manner sometimes, so I need someone who can be able to meet up with executing assigned tasks in a timely manner.
The major reason why the service of a Personal Assistant in needed is due to the fact that I'm constantly out of town and presently in Warsaw, Poland. I will return to the States in three weeks time so this process will be on going till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then we can meet up for a proper interview and also discuss the possibility of making this long term.
• Verifying and keying of data and correct errors
• Performs other related duties as assigned.
• Running personal errands.
• Work independently without much supervision.
To perform this job successfully, you must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily.
** Weekly Pay: $800.00
** Hours: 12-16 Hours Weekly
** Days: 2-3 days Weekly
I will get back to you with the task for next week. Understand you will also be paid as soon as you pass this first assignment. You will be paid ($800) at the end of every week.
And please NOTE, you must be 18 years or older to be eligible for this job.